Monday, October 22, 2012

Walk Your Way To Stress Relief

Walking on a daily basis can have a profoundly positive impact on one's life.  Anyone who takes the time out to walk every day can attest to the truth of that statement.  Not only does it improve physical health, but it also boosts your mental and emotional well-being by relieving stress to boot!

Whether it is done before, during, or after a hectic day, walking can do wonders for your outlook.  Taking a brisk walk every day can clear your mind and keep you focused, thereby making you more productive and organized.  When you consider that the pace of life these days usually forces most of us to cram three days worth of activities into a single twenty-four hour period, that is an absolute necessity!

Although it may seem too good to be true, the simple act of taking a walk can bring stress relief with every step.  First, because it allows you to take time out for yourself in each day.  It provides the perfect opportunity to collect your thoughts, and just take a little time for reflection.  If you use your walk time to focus your thoughts on things that make you feel peaceful, you won't believe what it will do to your day!  It will lift your Spirits, while simultaneously energizing your body...especially if you take a few moments to pamper yourself by customizing your walking experience!  Doing so will make the experience more enjoyable, and motivate you to make it a daily ritual.

There are many things you can do to achieve this.  For example, plan your route so that you are walking in surroundings that you find soothing and pleasant.  You can even bring along your MP3 player or other audio device filled with your favorite tunes.  Be sure to walk at a comfortable pace; keep in mind that your goal here is to relieve stress, not to break speed records.  Lastly, be sure to bring along a bottle of water, especially if the weather is warm; it never pays to dehydrate!

Another thing that can help make walking more pleasant for you is to choose the time of day that suits you best.  Some choose to prepare themselves for the day ahead, by taking a quiet walk early in the morning; others choose to unwind from a stressful day by walking in the evening.  If you find yourself having a particularly stressful day at the office, you can even take advantage of the few spare minutes you may have during your lunch hour, or while waiting for your next appointment.  Remember, it only takes a few minutes to relieve that stress, and get yourself back on track.  I speak from personal experience when I say that simply adding a stroll to your day will make a difference in your overall well-being that must be experienced to be believed!

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