Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CD Review: The Covering, By Stryper

Veteran Christian rock band Stryper released their latest Musical offering on February 15 of 2011.  The album, which is called The Covering, is a collection of twelve cover songs that also features one new original Stryper song.  When I heard that the band was planning this remake album, I have to admit that I was initially skeptical; I wasn't sure that they would be able to pull it off convincingly.  I am very happy to report that I could not have been more wrong in making that assumption.  One listen to the record and any misgivings that I may have had were totally gone!  This CD rocks, plain and simple!

The party kicks off with their version of the Sweet classic "Set Me Free."  From there, the energy only continues to build as the band roars through one classic rock song after the next, including their versions of tunes by The Scorpions, Black Sabbath, UFO, Kansas, Deep Purple, Kiss, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin.  The first single released will be the Black Sabbath track, “Heaven And Hell.”

Every song is so well done that it is nearly impossible to choose a particular standout.  All of the performances are spot on, retaining the overall vibe of the original, while still managing to put a little of a Stryper spin on them.  Robert's drumming is absolutely unstoppable.  The guitars sound great...appropriately heavy and melodic by turns, and there are even a few of those trademark harmony solos between Michael and Oz that the band has been known for in the past.  The vocals are stellar in every way; Micheal has lost nothing to the years.  He still has the power and range that he did in his twenties...even pulling off those old eardrum piercing Michael Sweet screams of yesteryear with ease.  This album is also blessed (pun intended) with the return of original bassist Timothy Gaines, who has not appeared on a Stryper release since 1991.  His time away has certainly not hurt his playing, that's for sure; he still lays down the bottom like nobody's business!

As for the new original track, entitled “God,” I found it to be great as well.  The song, which was written by Michael Sweet, is a high energy rocker with the classic, patented inspirational Stryper lyric.  It also features some very cool vocal harmonies in the chorus!  It is a slightly different sound for the band, but it definitely proves that they've still got it, and shows that the passion is still there for them as well.  I get the feeling that we still have many great things in store from this band!

In summation, I highly recommend that you purchase this album!  For me, it did something that few other new releases have been able to do; it impressed me on the very first listen!  From the opening chords of track one to the final notes of “God” 53 minutes later, I was hooked!  Whether you have been a long-time fan, or you are just someone who enjoys good old-fashioned window-rattling rock & roll, this is definitely the album for you!  Go out and get it if you get the chance, but be may want to work on your air-guitar skills a bit first!

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