Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Importance Of Taking Responsibility For Our Own Choices

I have always believed in the old adage that life is what you make of it, and I live my own life according to that adage.  I also have a strong belief that everything that happens in a person's life is a direct result of the choices that they make.  There are no such things as fate, luck, or chance.  I believe that the decisions we make will always dictate how all of these things will play out in our lives.  It is my opinion that we all create our own futures, and whether that future will turn out good or bad is entirely up to us.

So many people these days seem to believe that they are being held down by their circumstances...that something beyond their control is preventing them from achieving their goals.  They always seem to want to blame their so-called misfortune on others, or on some outside force rather than really examining their own thinking and behavior.  I can tell you from my own experience that anyone who allows themselves to stay in this mindset will never achieve their goals and dreams.

I'm here to tell you that no matter what your circumstances are at the moment, they can be changed.  However, that cannot happen until you are ready to take responsibility for your own thoughts and behavior.  You must make a conscious choice to believe that nothing is beyond your control or out of your reach!  The first step toward doing that is to learn to see beyond your current situation, so that you don't define yourself by that.  If you define yourself entirely by where you are now, then you will always remain stuck in the same patterns of thought and behavior, and nothing will change.  You must realize that you, and you alone, are responsible for creating your own success and happiness.  Therefore, you must first decide where you want your life to go, and then make the choices that will take you in that direction.

As you journey toward your goals and dreams, you will have setbacks from time to time; that is to be expected.  The important thing to remember when you experience a setback is that they are temporary.  An occasional setback does not mean that you have failed; you only fail if you give up and refuse to keep trying.  In fact, I have come to see that setbacks are very valuable.  The reason we have them is so that we can learn from them; they should be viewed as lessons that are helping us to gain the knowledge that we will need to eventually achieve our goals successfully.  Setbacks also give us a greater appreciation of our success once it is achieved!

If you happen to hit a bump in the road along the way, do not be deterred.  Keep your sights keenly focused on what you are trying to achieve, and look for the lesson to be learned from the experience.  Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the negative words of others.  When you are trying to achieve your dreams, there will always be some around you who tell you that your goals are unrealistic, and impossible to achieve; to them, you must turn a deaf ear.  Only someone who has realized the importance of taking total and complete responsibility for their own thoughts and actions is equipped to do this.

If you want to be successful, you must know and believe within yourself that your goals and dreams are attainable, and never waiver from that belief.  Keep in mind that your success or failure depends entirely on the thoughts you choose to think, and the actions you choose to take!  I believe that if you learn these principles, your success in any endeavor is inevitable.  That, in a nutshell, is why I feel that it is vital to place responsibility for your choices solely within your own hands!

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